DP World and CDPQ expand global investment platform to US$ 8,2 billion
DP World and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) announce the expansion of their ports and terminals investment platform through a new commitment of US$4.5 billion(CA$6 billion), which increases the total size of the platform to US$8.2 billion (CA$ 10.6 billion).
DP World holds 55% share of the platform, and CDPQ the remaining 45%.
Since its launch in December 2016, the platform has invested in 10 port terminals
Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO, DP World, said: “The partnership between DP World and CDPQ has been very successful, and we have benefited from each other’s expertise. The opportunity landscape for the port and logistics industry is significant and the outlook remains positive as consumer demand triggers major shifts across the global supply chain. Best-in-class well connected ports and efficient supply chains will continue to play an active role in advancing global trade and cultivating the business environments closest to their operations. Alongside CDPQ, a steadfast partner whose long-term vision we share, we look forward to working together on new investments that will connect key international trade locations worldwide.”
Emmanuel Jaclot, Executive Vice-President and Head of Infrastructure at CDPQ, said: “Building on the success of the first collaboration with our strategic partner, DP World, a world-class leader in ports and marine terminals, the enhanced platform will seek investments in high-quality port and terminal infrastructure assets that will help design the future of smart trade and logistics. As we take the next step in our partnership, we will further diversify our geographic
reach and look to seize new opportunities in a sector that, even during a uniquely challenging period, is driven by long-term fundamental trends.”
Despite the impacts of COVID-19 and shifts in the global supply chain landscape, the ports sector has demonstrated a fair degree of resilience. Through recent strategic investments in automation and digital technology, DP World has strengthened its logistics capabilities, combined with their maritime services operations and worldwide network of ports and terminals, to provide a full suite of end-to-end smart supply chain solutions. As such, DP World is well positioned to face the current challenges experienced by the industry and to continue to provide innovative solutions to their customers worldwide.
(DP World)
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