DSV announces changes to executive board
The Board of Directors of DSV A/S announces changes to the Executive Board. Effective 30 September 2024, Group CEO Jens Bjørn Andersen will step down after 16 years in charge of the DSV Group. The current Group COO Jens H. Lund will assume the position of Group CEO of DSV A/S.
Thomas Plenborg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DSV A/S: “DSV has been on a fantastic journey under Jens Bjørn Andersen’s leadership since 2008. He has been instrumental in developing DSV into a leading global freight forwarder with excellent financial results and ultimately in creating significant value for DSV’s shareholders. It is a true privilege to work with Jens Bjørn and, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to take the opportunity already now to thank him for his contribution over the years.
The Board of Directors believes that now is the right time to execute on the succession plan and announce Jens Lund as the future Group CEO. Jens Bjørn has agreed to continue as Group CEO until September 2024, supporting a good handover and continuity in the senior leadership team.
Jens Lund has been part of the Executive Board for many years, and he is known and respected both internally and externally as a visionary and strong leader. The Board of Directors is confident that Jens Lund is the right person to drive DSV’s continued growth strategy and further develop our global network, customer services and digital infrastructure.”
Jens Bjørn Andersen, Group CEO of DSV A/S: “I am proud of the results that we have achieved as a team in DSV during my years as Group CEO. Through large acquisitions, integrations and challenging logistics markets, we have managed to support our customers, create value for our shareholders and – not least – to bring sustainability higher on the agenda. I would like to thank the Board of Directors, my leadership team and all my DSV colleagues for their trust and support throughout the years.”
Jens H. Lund, Group CEO of DSV A/S: “I am honoured by the trust the Board of Directors is showing by giving me the opportunity to lead the next stages of DSV’s journey. I have truly enjoyed working with Jens Bjørn over the years, and with him in charge we have grown the company based on strong values and a unique corporate culture. Based on this solid foundation, I am looking forward, together with the DSV team, to continuing our growth path and taking us to the next level.”
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