Drivers awarded for bravery as IRU launches New Industry Shapers campaign
IRU has recognised the bravery of all professional drivers worldwide in awarding this year’s Grand Prix d’Honneur. It was announced today at IRU’s 75th anniversary event in Geneva.
This year’s IRU Grand Prix d’Honneur was awarded to all professional bus, coach, taxi and truck drivers
IRU President Radu Dinescu said, “The last few years have been an extraordinary period for road transport and its people. The pandemic, war and natural disasters have tested professional drivers as never before.
“It is with great honour that we recognise all drivers worldwide with this special accolade for their bravery, courage and dedication to serve.”
The award was symbolically accepted at the event by three professional drivers from Switzerland, all members of IRU member ASTAG: Sophie Massarotto from Taxi Ambassador 202 in Geneva, Audrey Maury from Maury Transports in Geneva, and Reto Rösch from Rösch Bus Tours in Lucerne.
New Industry Shapers kick-offIRU today also launched a new campaign showcasing inspiring people from all over the world who are leading the road transport industry into the future.
The IRU New Industry Shapers project, in coordination with IRU members and partners, features a wide range of unique individuals, from mobility and logistics operators, associations and suppliers, as well as drivers, researchers and public sector innovators from all corners of the globe.
The campaign will explore the journeys of the new industry shapers and how they are making road transport safer, greener and more efficient.
IRU Secretary General Umberto de Pretto said, “Celebrating IRU’s 75th anniversary is about looking back at our long record of achievement, and at the same time looking forward to where our industry is going.
“The IRU New Industry Shapers project will showcase some of the unique individuals who are taking commercial road transport forward into the coming decades, and our industry’s role in making the world a better, healthier, more prosperous and greener place.”
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