Ecommerce Europe travelled to Milan for its Members Days 2018
On 12 and 13 April, Ecommerce Europe’s Italian national association Consorzio NetComm welcomed members of all the national associations in view of the annual Ecommerce Europe Members Days.
For three days, members gathered for a series of meetings, including the Executive Committee and Board of Directors meeting, as well as Working Committee
Board of Director meeting: reflection on the future of the association and digital commerce
During the Board of Directors meeting, Ecommerce Europe presented the achievement for 2017 and the new key messages and projects for 2018. The discussion among members continued by exploring the trends and challenges of the digital commerce industry but also the daily public affairs activities. The Board of Directors also approved the appointment of two new members, Ms. Lorraine Higgins, Deputy CEO of Retail Excellence, and Mr. Janne Koivisto, Senior Advisor of the Finnish Commerce Federation.
e-Regulation Working Committee
The Board of Directors’ meeting was followed by the e-Regulation Working Committee meeting, chaired by Marc Lolivier, Director General of the French association FEVAD. The discussion focused on the recently published package “New Deal for Consumers” and the Proposal on the Taxation of the Digital Economy. Members also discussed the upcoming initiative on Online intermediation services and search engines and were informed about the recent developments on the ePrivacy Regulation.
Trustmark Working Committee
The third day of the Members Days started with the Trustmark Working Committee, chaired by Annegret Mayer. where members discussed on how to further boost the Ecommerce Europe Trustmark, by extending its criteria to the GDPR and the WEEE Directive. To know more about the Trustmark, please visit
e-Payments Working Committee
Ecommerce Europe concluded the Members Days with a presentation of the new format of the e-Payments Working Committee, recently renamed Digital Transactions & Innovation Working Committee, and co-chaired by Roberto Liscia and Just Hasselaar. In addition to an update on the Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Customer Authentication, the Interchange Fee Regulation and discussion on the Payment Services Directive 2, Ecommerce Europe presented the extension of the scope of the Working Committee to Fintech and Artificial Intelligence.
The next Working Committee meetings of Ecommerce Europe will take place on 19-20 September 2018 in Brussels.
The post Ecommerce Europe travelled to Milan for its Members Days 2018 appeared first on Metaforespress.
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![Ecommerce Europe, Milan,Members Days 2018](
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