K+N first logistics provider to disclose CO2 emissions on seafreight invoices
Kuehne + Nagel has expanded its sustainability offering for global seafreight services: As of May 2017, the total amount of CO2 emissions generated by seafreight shipments is printed on each invoice assisting shippers to identify their carbon footprint from transport operations.
With this initiative Kuehne + Nagel customers are able to improve the analysis, reporting and management of CO2 emissions caused
For the calculation of the shipment CO2 data imprinted on its freight invoice, Kuehne + Nagel is using the data of its online Global Seafreight Carbon Calculator (GSCC), providing instant overviews of CO2, SOx and NOx emissions for FCL and LCL movements from door-to-door. The FCL port-to-port emission data is compiled by the Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG), whose shipping line members represent 87% of the global container movements, based on the actual consumption of fuel by each vessel, trade-lane, nominal vessel size and distance travelled.
Otto Schacht, member of the Management Board Kuehne + Nagel International AG responsible for seafreight: “Our goal is to raise visibility and awareness of the environmental impact within the seafreight supply chain. This will improve decision making with respect to carbon emissions. Due to our global IT operating platform we are able to deliver customised reporting and digital solutions not only in our core business, but also in areas such as sustainability. In order to meet the customer’s own CO2 reduction targets we can assist with moving the cargo, generating the lowest possible carbon footprint.”
The new CO2 disclosure on invoices enhances the existing calculator and is part of Kuehne + Nagel’s evolving carbon management programme dedicated to evaluate customers’ carbon footprint for their whole supply chain including warehousing and distribution. The programme includes the Global Transport Carbon Calculator (GTCC) linked to Kuehne + Nagel’s shipment visibility tool KNLogin and thus allowing online monitoring of CO2 emissions caused by sea, air and road transports. The GTCC not only shows carbon dioxide emissions but also suggests possible options for reducing them.
Kuehne + Nagel is an active member of the Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) and supports the Group’s goals to reduce the environmental impacts of global transportation and to drive environmentally friendly logistics. The company’s carbon calculators are in compliance with European standard EN16258, the Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) calculation methodology and the EcoTransIT World method.
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