Kuehne+Nagel inaugurates largest-ever logistics hub
Kuehne+Nagel has officially opened its new adidas distribution centre in Mantova, Northern Italy.
The logistics hub combines growth opportunities, next-level digitalisation and sustainability. With this €350 million financial commitment, the company’s single largest investment to date,
The distribution centre will service a geographical range including 19 countries in Southern and Eastern Europe. The logistics hub uses state-of-the-art, digital technologies that transform contract logistics management, making it faster, more accurate and environmentally friendly. More than 700 robots and further automation will support every step of the logistics process, from inventory tracking to product distribution.
The 130,000 sqm area is equipped with 20 km of conveyor belts and a shuttle system handling 25 storage lanes with a capacity of 440,000 units. Thanks to these systems, the logistics hub can process up to 500,000 shipments per day in support of every retail channel – from single e-commerce parcels to bulk orders for large retailers.
Stefan Paul, CEO of Kuehne+Nagel International AG, said: “The opening of the adidas logistics hub represents the largest and most innovative implementation in our company to date. It is the blueprint for the next generation of omnichannel distribution centres, combining next-level digitalisation and sustainable solutions. As such, it is a testament to our corporate strategy Roadmap 2026, which focuses on outstanding customer and employee experience. We are proud to take our long-term partnership with adidas to the next level.”
Real-time monitoring allows for greatly improved efficiency and reduction in error margins, optimising resources and also reducing delivery times. Through the integration of data and predictive algorithms, Kuehne+Nagel can anticipate maximum demand moments and adapt workflows.
Sustainability is another fundamental pillar of the adidas distribution centre, with the aim of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The centre is LEED Gold certified and uses only renewable energy. It is equipped with an LED lighting system, daylight and motion sensors and a photovoltaic system capable of generating 13,555 MWh per year. The environmental impact is constantly monitored, and an efficient waste reduction programme is in place, using sustainable materials for packaging and minimising plastics.
Mantova was selected as the location for this ambitious project due to its strategic position with excellent road and rail connections. This facilitates integration with last-mile suppliers and reduces operating costs and CO2 emissions. Additionally, the site selection has strong support from the local community.
The grand opening ceremony, held today, is being attended by representatives of adidas and Kuehne+Nagel, the Italian Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Alessandro Beduschi, Regional Councillor, and the Mayor of Mantova, Mattia Palazzi. At the event, these representatives emphasise the strategic importance of the project for the region and the global logistics industry.
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