Le Groupe La Poste joins the solidarity movement for Ukraine through several support actions
By relaying fundraising appeals from the main associations (Red Cross, Secours Populaire, Unicef, etc.) to its employees and customers and by working on a free fundraising appeals campaign offer by mail.
La Poste is also thinking of making its Colissimo network
Through several initiatives of different kinds, supported by all its entities, Le Groupe La Poste materialises its solidarity with the Ukrainian population.
The General Public and Digital division relays UNICEF’s fundraising appeals through its internal media and to its customers. La Banque Postale does the same for the fundraising appeals launched by La Croix Rouge and le Secours Populaire. In total, tens of thousands of people will be able to make a donation easily by clicking on labanquepostale.fr or soon laposte.fr.
La Poste is also preparing the possibility of offering humanitarian associations free postage for their fundraising appeal campaigns for Ukraine.
Despite the closure of Ukrainian airspace, the delivery of postal parcels is maintained. They are now transported to Poland, handed over to the Polish Post Office, which in turn hands them over to the Ukrainian Post Office.
In this context, and subject to developments, Colissimo makes its international network available to the Red Cross to ensure the free delivery of parcels or the transport of basic necessities to the Ukrainian population.
La Banque Postale will also offer free access to all bank transfers to Ukraine, including money transfers with Western Union.
For its part, La Poste Mobile has decided to offer its 2 million customers (packages with or without a commitment of duration) voice calls and SMS sent from France to Ukrainian fixed or mobile numbers. This free service starts on March 4, 2022, and will run throughout the month of March.
Let’s recall that GeoPost, the International Network Package of La Poste, has no subsidiary in Ukraine but is present in Russia and in all countries bordering Ukraine. A huge movement of solidarity and local initiatives in each of the countries and in particular in Poland is being built to provide all possible concrete support to the humanitarian associations on the ground.
(La Poste)
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