Lufthansa Cargo renews airfreight centre in Frankfurt
Lufthansa Cargo will further develop and renew the logistics centre at its home hub in Frankfurt on a modular basis.
The Supervisory Board of the German airfreight company has approved respective investments in a comprehensive infrastructure programme for the logistics centre.
The complete modernisation
“With this renewal of our logistics centre, we are investing in our airfreight base in Frankfurt and thus creating the structural requirements for even faster and more efficient airfreight. In doing so, we are also making the jobs of our employees at our most important logistics location in Germany safe for the future,” explains Peter Gerber, CEO of the cargo airline.
“The special thing about our infrastructure programme is that it is able to react flexibly to market developments and the changing needs of our customers,” emphasises Harald Gloy, Lufthansa Cargo’s Chief Operations Officer.
“The holistically planned upgrading of the building infrastructure in combination with improvements to the logistics system and internal material flows will further increase the handling speed of shipments as well as the service quality for all Lufthansa Cargo customers.”
The cargo centre in Frankfurt is Lufthansa Cargo’s home hub, handling around 80 per cent of its global freight volume. The carrier’s commitment to digitalisation, new product requirements and the further increasing importance of e-commerce have changed the demands on the logistics centre.
In the first step of the modularly planned infrastructure programme, the new construction of the central high-rack storage system in the Lufthansa Cargo Center is currently in progress.
In addition to new buildings, existing building sections and warehouses are also being modernised as part of the eight-year infrastructure project. The renovation and renewal of the buildings will take place during ongoing operations. In the process, the modular approach will not result in any restrictions for customers.
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