QUANTRON strengthens its sales, service and strategy unit
As part of its global orientation, Quantron AG is filling further strategically important positions in Service & Customer Care, Sales Team and Corporate & Product Strategy.
Olaf Muschner brings many years of management experience in the international after-sales sector of commercial vehicles and drive systems.
Tobias Steffen brings extensive experience from the commercial vehicle sector. Most recently, he was Sales Manager New Vehicles at Iveco West Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH where he was head of the sales team. There, he was responsible for the Light, Medium & Heavy segments which he was able to successfully expand with his team. Prior to that, he was District Manager for used vehicles at Iveco Magirus where he acquired in-depth knowledge of the remarketing of commercial vehicles. At QUANTRON, he will concentrate in future on the Van & Truck division primarily in the German, Austrian and Swiss markets as well as focusing on expanding the customer portfolio and further market penetration.
Dr. Srinath Rengarajan takes on the role of Senior Manager Corporate & Product Strategy. Dr. Rengarajan, who holds a doctorate in business administration, has extensive expertise in the areas of strategy and management consulting having previously held positions at Daimler Truck and Oliver Wyman. His responsibilities at QUANTRON include supporting management in the strategic direction of the company at the business, market and competitive levels along with growth initiatives and investor-related issues. Building on his previous professional experience as an engineer, he will also be heavily involved in product strategy initiatives at QUANTRON. Dr. Srinath Rengarajan is an honorary member of various organisations such as the Battery Associates and Indo-German Young Leaders Forum.
“With the competent reinforcement of our international team, we are perfectly positioned to take off globally. We need to use our temporal and technological lead over the established providers to position ourselves in the internationally important commercial vehicle markets with our own QUANTRON brand vehicles and, in a second step, roll out our complete ecosystem, Quantron-as-a-Service. I am very much looking forward to successfully meeting these challenges together with our new colleagues,” says Michael Perschke, CEO and board member of Quantron AG.
Founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the Haller Group, QUANTRON AG combines 140 years of commercial vehicle experience with modern technology and now consists of an international team of over 100 employees.
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