Sponsorship agreement inked among Grimaldi Foundation and World Maritime University
On 11th November, the World Maritime University (WMU) and the Grimaldi Foundation signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).
The agreement includes a provision for two annual fellowships for well-qualified applicants from emerging countries to enroll in the WMU Master of Science in Maritime Affairs program in Malmö, Sweden.
The MoA was signed by Dr Cleopatra
President Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry welcomed the agreement saying, “The MoA with the Grimaldi Foundation underscores the importance of industry support for WMU. The shipping industry directly benefits from the education that WMU provides for the maritime and ocean leaders of tomorrow, providing capacity building and leveling the playing field for an industry that is reliant on international cooperation. We are grateful to the Grimaldi Foundation for their support to WMU’s mission, and we look forward to our collaboration under this agreement.”
Mr Emanuele Grimaldi commented: “The Grimaldi Foundation is happy to start a cooperation with the World Maritime University, amplifying and at the same time internationalizing our involvement in granting an equal chance of access to superior level of education for young people from emerging countries. All economic academic investigations highlight that no development is possible in societies without investment in education. Through the partnership with WMU with respect to post-graduate education, we hope to do our part for helping the life of many students as well as the self-development of South American and West African States, in the field we know the most: the maritime field”.
The MoA amplifies the Foundation’s action of support towards an equal access to education in maritime countries and communities in social need. Through the MoA, the Grimaldi Foundation, in its statutory purpose to provide aid to young people in countries and contexts of poverty and social disease, will support the mission of WMU in several ways.
In addition to the fellowships, the MoA also includes a provision with the Grimaldi Group joining the WMU Industry Liaison Group that facilitates real-world private and public sector initiatives in support of WMU’s academic, research and capacity-building outcomes, including the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This targeted cooperation with the private sector aims to help reduce the environmental footprint of the shipping industry, promoting good governance and contributing to a better world. In addition, the MoA provides the possibility for Grimaldi Group senior staff to deliver lectures to WMU students and attend WMU conferences. They will also provide support for field studies undertaken by WMU as well as internships. The two Parties will also cooperate, where possible, in undertaking research with respect to Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from ships.
This will support WMU’s important teaching and research role which includes an educational stream on Maritime Energy Management (MEM) that is a direct and effective mechanism for addressing GHG emissions from shipping. WMU is strongly committed to UN SDG Goal 13 – Climate Action and Goal 14 – Life Below Water.
The MoA exemplifies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the shipping industry, taking into account social and environmental concerns and recognizing the important role that WMU plays in educating maritime and ocean leaders.
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