The Moscow Metro and MCC passengers are paying more often with bank cards at turnstiles
The Moscow Metro and the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) passengers have begun to pay more often with bank cards at the turnstiles. The number of such payments is increased by 55% in March 2023 compared to March last year, – said the press service of the Department of Transport.
The Department said, that thanks to the upgrade
It is specified that, the new equipment processes bank card payments more than two times faster, and three times faster when paying with biometrics. The new turnstile equipment has large font and large LED-screens, which is convenient for visually impaired people. They are also equipped with a QR-code reader that will be used for Faster Payments System. In addition, the new turnstiles show the balance of the transport card, or the number of remaining rides or days.
About 4 thousand turnstiles in the metro and MCC were upgraded. Thanks to this, it is possible to use a bank card at every turnstile, not just at the outermost ones. The new equipment is manufactured by a Russian company and runs on domestic software. We are implementing the world’s best innovative solutions in urban transport at the behest of Mayor S. Sobyanin, said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.
The Moscow Transport has one of the most developed high-tech ticketing systems with a wide range of innovative contactless solutions. It has been recognized on international level: in 2020 and 2021, it received the prestigious Transport Ticketing Award as the Best Ticketing Program. In October 2021, the Moscow Metro was the first in the world to implement facial recognition payment service on all metro stations. Moscow’s ticketing solutions are implemented in other regions of Russia. The ticketing system based on the Troika card operates in more than 25 cities and regions.
(Moscow Metro)
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