The Moscow Metro will receive new modernised trains after 2024
The Moscow Metro signed a supplementary agreement to the train supply contract with Transmashholding. According to the agreement, Moscow will receive 500 more metro cars – in total, over 1800 cars since 2020. All Oka, Moskva and Moskva-2020 cars are maintained by a service company for the entire service life of 30
The document provides for delivery of cars in 2024-2025. Even though 70% of passengers ride in new generation trains (over 4,000 new cars purchased since 2010), from 2024 the trains will be modernized. The improvements include updated interior and exterior design, modern charging stations in each car, first cars will be easier to enter and exit for passengers with disabilities. The driver’s control console will be improved as well; the windscreen will display a projection of the main features.
According to the order of the Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, the Government of Moscow supports the rolling stock manufacturers. We have recently amended the contract for the supply of the most modern metro cars and also increased the volume of the contract with a term of delivery in 2024-2025. Moscow has a clear long-term plan for rolling stock renewal and delivery of trains to new lines, so our renewal rate is one of the fastest in the world. We have purchased more than 4 thousand new modern cars since 2010 and renewed the fleet by 70%. Since 2024, a number of improvements will be made in the rolling stock – it will be even more technological and modern, – said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.
The contract will make it possible for manufacturers to work out their production plans, and the Government of Moscow will receive guarantees to implement the rolling stock renewal programme. With the delivery of the cars, Moscow will be able to open new lines, including the full launch of the Big Circle Line with the usual short interval between trains. Moreover, implementation of the production plan will save around 100,000 jobs at all Russian companies involved in production. Regular deliveries of new rolling stock allow to create new convenient jobs in the Moscow Metro as well: for example, in the Nizhegorodskoye and Aminyevskoye depots, which are currently under the construction.
The innovative Moskva-2020 train is the most modern train model in the Moscow Metro, surpassing its foreign analogues in many characteristics. In 2021, the model won the Red Dot Award: Product Design for the best design. The international jury unanimously gave it the highest rating in the Trains and Planes category.
(Moscow Metro)
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