UPS agreement with Teamsters on heat safety
11:50 16/6/2023
- Πηγή: metaforespress
UPS have reached an agreement with the Teamsters on new heat safety measures that build on important actions UPS rolled out to employees in the spring, which included new cooling gear and enhanced training.
UPS care deeply about people, and their safety
Additional Facts
We have always remained open to solutions that keep our employees safe on hot days. The Teamsters raised A/C as a top priority for their members, and the new solutions we’ve agreed to will improve airflow, temperature and comfort for our employees.We continue to consult with heat safety experts and sports scientists to inform our approach, and are aligned with OSHA guidance. We know coming to work rested and staying hydrated are the most effective methods for staying safe in the heat.The agreement includes adjustments to our package cars that improve airflow and create new heat barriers that will help reduce heat in the cargo area.In addition, we’ve agreed to form a joint Teamsters-UPS task force that will explore further solutions for effectively cooling this space.Technical Details*
Air Conditioning – We have agreed to equip all newly purchased U.S. small package delivery vehicles with air conditioning starting January 1, 2024. Where possible, new vehicles will be allocated to the hottest parts of the country first.Cab Fans – In response to our employees, we’ve worked to install cab fans in our package cars, providing additional airflow for drivers. Package cars will have a cab fan retrofitted within thirty days of contract ratification. We’ll install a second fan in vehicles without air conditioning by June 1, 2024.Exhaust Heat Shields in Cargo Floor – Exhaust heat shields minimize heat conduction from the powertrain into the floor of the vehicle. Preliminary tests show that these shields can reduce the floor temperature by up to 17 degrees F. We have agreed that these will be included in the production of new package cars moving forward and retrofitted into existing package cars within 18 months of contract ratification.Cargo Area Forced-Air Induction: Scoop Air Intake – The forced-air induction system brings fresh air from the front of the vehicle into the cargo area. Adding an air intake vent on the passenger side feeds fresh air to the cargo bay and creates a forced induction that helps increase the airflow velocity. We have agreed that these will be included in the production of new package cars moving forward and retrofitted into existing package cars within 18 months of contract ratification.* Enhancements to existing vehicles described above will be made to our standard package cars, which represent approximately 95% of our U.S. package delivery fleet, and in remaining vehicles where designs permit.
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