Vitesco Technologies and DHL enter into strategic partnership
Vitesco Technologies focuses on maximum sustainability, resilience and efficiency in logistics. Key to this is a new strategic partnership with DHL Supply Chain as a Lead Logistics Partner (LLP).
As of March 2024, the logistics flows of Vitesco Technologies’ twelve European
This corresponds to around 100,000 transport movements within the supply chain to the plants as well as from the plants to the customers – and thus accounts for about a third of Vitesco Technologies’ total freight volume.
“The main driver of our business is the development and production of sustainable technologies for the mobility of tomorrow. We want to run this business in a CO2-neutral way by 2040. Sustainable logistics solutions are an important step along this path, which we will be taking together with DHL Supply Chain in the future,” says Thomas Kirchermeier, Head of Supply Chain Management at Vitesco Technologies.
The big advantage of the new logistics concept is that, as a lead logistics partner, DHL Supply Chain bundles the freight volumes of numerous large companies in order to generate synergy effects and thus achieves new potentials for optimization. The logistics experts make use of the entire market of freight carriers and forwarding agents and can provide the fastest, safest, most environmentally friendly and most cost-effective transport solutions. This benefits Vitesco Technologies and all customers: supply chains become more robust and more reliable.
Intelligent logistics helps to reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsCentral freight management by a leading global logistics provider such as DHL also enables the maximum transparency of transport routes – which not only benefits efficiency, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This is achieved by combining deliveries that were previously handled separately or by increasingly relying on low and zero carbon emissions transportation. This is where Vitesco Technologies’ expertise in the field of electromobility meets DHL’s practical experience, as the company operates the largest fleet of electric vehicles within the logistics sector.
“The first joint pilot projects have already shown that we can leverage considerable synergies through a seamlessly integrated supply chain. The cost savings and efficiencies that we have already been able to realize together with Vitesco Technologies are now paving the way for further global growth. With our focus on a consistent standardization and orchestration of logistics processes, we want to further minimize greenhouse gas emissions, maximize the efficiency of supply chains and improve their resilience in the coming years,” says Hendrik Venter, CEO DHL Supply Chain Europe, Middle East & Africa.
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