Volvo Buses wins UITP Climate and Health award
Volvo Buses scooped the prestigious industry award for its successful electromobility implementation in Gothenburg, Sweden. Not only does the award recognise the positive environmental benefits the electric bus system has had on the city. It also highlights Volvo
The annual International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Awards showcase the most ambitious and innovative public transport projects of the last two years in cities and regions across the globe. The 2021 awards ceremony took place in Dubai on 6 February.
“We are delighted to see our electromobility delivery in Gothenburg win this important award,” says Ulf Magnusson, SVP Europe at Volvo Buses. “Electrifying 35% of a city bus fleet overnight demands extensive planning, close collaborations and expertise. The project is part of our ongoing commitment to quiet, clean and sustainable public transport that helps to create Zero Cities all over the world.”
Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General, UITP says: “The UITP Awards celebrates the most ambitious and cutting-edge projects from around the globe. Volvo Buses and the Gothenburg delivery exceeded expectations on all the criteria that we set. We felt the project excelled at enhancing quality of life in urban areas by promoting public transport while positioning it as the backbone of urban and local mobility. The project managed to do this innovatively, with prospects for replication by our colleagues in the sector. We congratulate them and are very proud to offer them a UITP Award!”
The Gothenburg delivery included the provision of 145 Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated buses and charging infrastructure in the city. Close partnerships with the local public transport authority Västtrafik, and the bus operators Transdev, were essential for the project to succeed. Implementation of the entire electromobility system and bus fleet took place overnight for a seamless transition.
The environmental benefits have been significant. Calculations show that CO2 emissions in city traffic have been reduced by 10% compared to the replaced vehicles, which were already running on renewable fuels. Emissions of nitrogen oxides have almost halved and particles have decreased by almost 20%.
Volvo Buses’ in-depth experience and competence in a range of electromobility solutions has been bolstered by the recent launch of its global BZL Electric chassis. It offers a solid platform that will accelerate the transition to sustainable and efficient public transport around the world.
(Volvo Buses)
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