Electric Litany Live at ΓΙΑΦΚΑ

Πέμπτη, 24 Οκτ 2019 22:00
Electric Litany Live at ΓΙΑΦΚΑΠέμπτη 24 ΟκτωβρίουDoors Open: 22.00Live Starts: 23.00“Bleak and broody music has never been quite so thrilling.”The Guardian (UK)“Brooding, bruising piece of post punk with deeply lo-fi attitudes. There’s a beauty to their melancholy”Clash magazine (UK)“Music worlds collide with ‘enduring days you will overcome’... Synthy, melancholic etherealism”-Nick Desriso (five times columnist of the year, by Associated Press, USA)Η ελληνοβρετανική μπάντα, με τα Διθυραμβικά σχόλια, έρχεται στην ΓΙΑΦΚΑ
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