30 Years of ADA and National Hire a Veteran Day
Οn July 26, 2020, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) celebrated its 30th Anniversary. The ADA’s purpose is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the Veterans Benefits Administration’s (VBA) Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Service is proud to recognize their yearlong celebration with the theme of “Increasing
To learn more about ODEP and the ADA, visit ODEP’s ADA30 page.
ODEP’s theme for #ADA30 echoes the mission of VR&E Service. VR&E is committed to helping America’s transitioning service members and Veterans with service-connected disabilities and an employment barrier prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable careers. It also provides employment resources and expertise, removes barriers to employment, and provides independent living services and assistance.
VR&E works with Servicemembers and Veterans to:
Explore their career goals and interestsDetermine what they excel at and help them to pursue related professions or tradesSelect and map personal goals for employmentObtain formal education or training where tuition, fees, books and supplies are provided at no cost to themMaximize their independence in life’s daily activitiesVR&E celebrates employers in the non-profit, private and public sectors who have increased employment opportunities for service members and Veterans with disabilities. At the same time, we recognize that barriers to equal opportunity remain. We will continue to work on making the promise of the ADA a reality to increase the employment of Veterans and enabling Veterans with disabilities to achieve their dreams and reach their full potential. To learn more about VR&E services, visit https://www.va.gov/vre.
Did you know that July 25th is National Hire a Veteran Day? This day is set aside to raise awareness of civilian employment for transitioning service members and Veterans after their military service.
VR&E encourages employers to hire transitioning service members and Veterans for their open positions. Veterans bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and dedication among many other positive and necessary traits, talents and skills.
The following websites offer resources for job-seeking Veterans:
Hire Our HeroescomVetJobsFedsHireVetsI. JobsNational Veterans FoundationMilitary HirePAVEVBA offers many professional opportunities to Veterans looking for new ways to serve. Check out the Careers at VBA page.
Source: blogs.va.gov
The post 30 Years of ADA and National Hire a Veteran Day appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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