Boeing has delivered its 2,500th Apache attack helicopter

21:00 4/7/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

The 2,500th of the latest AH-64E version Apache Guardian attack helicopter has been manufactured at the Mesa production in Arizona marking a milestone, which began with the commencement of production by McDonnell Douglas of the first AH-64A in 1983.

As it has happened with the first helicopter, this latest one is going to be deployed with the US Army.

“From A through E, the Apache is a proven platform. The US Army has flown 4.5 million hours on the Apache, of which 1.2 million have been in combat.” Marco Di Gabriele, Global Vertical Lift Sales and Marketing previously told Janes and other defence media, adding, “When the Apache is flying, the enemy is hiding.


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