Bucharest Model NATO: your ideas and opinions matter
Speaking at the opening of the Bucharest Model NATO on Friday (16 October 2020), NATO’s Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană called on younger generations to take part in keeping NATO strong. “We need each other to shape the strategic landscape, or others will shape
This is the 7th edition of this annual conference, which brings together students from across the globe to take on the role of member-state delegates and emulate official NATO summits and debates. Due to the pandemic context, the event, which will last until 19 October 2020, is happening remotely.
This year, it coincides with NATO’s broader reflection on the future of the Alliance known as NATO2030. “It’s about making sure we remain ready to defend our Allies against any threat, today and tomorrow,” Mircea Geoană said. “This reflection is not something we do in isolation,” he added. ‘We are engaging with broad audiences to get the best recommendations on the future of NATO. Because your ideas and opinions matter”.
Source: nato.int
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