CAE GmbH awarded subcontract to upgrade training capabilities for German Eurofighter
CAE today announced that CAE GmbH has been awarded a subcontract from Airbus Defence and Space to support the development of new and upgraded training capabilities for Germany’s Eurofighter program.
Airbus, acting as the prime contractor for the Eurofighter Pilot Synthetic Training
“We are pleased to collaborate with Airbus to continue our longstanding support of the German Air Force Eurofighter training program,” said Niels Kröning, General Manager, CAE GmbH. “The new Eurofighter simulators in Laage will expand the distributed mission training capabilities for the German Air Force and enable more advanced training to be conducted in the simulators.”
The Eurofighter Pilot Synthetic Training System consortium is the result of a collaboration between the German and Spanish Ministries of Defence. Airbus Defence and Space acts as the prime contractor with CAE and Indra included as industry partners.
CAE GmbH also provides on-site maintenance and in-service support services at Laage, Neuburg, Wittmund, and Noervenich, which are the four Eurofighter main operating bases in Germany.
About CAECAE’s Defence & Security business unit focuses on helping prepare our customers to develop and maintain the highest levels of mission readiness. We are a world-class training and mission systems integrator offering a comprehensive portfolio of training and operational support solutions across the air, land, sea and public safety market segments. We serve our global defence and security customers through regional operations in Canada; the United States/Latin America; Europe/Middle East; and Asia-Pacific, all of which leverage the full breadth of CAE’s capabilities, technologies and solutions.
CAE is a global leader in training for the civil aviation, defence and security, and healthcare markets. Backed by a record of more than 70 years of industry firsts, we continue to help define global training standards with our innovative virtual-to-live training solutions to make flying safer, maintain defence force readiness and enhance patient safety. We have the broadest global presence in the industry, with over 10,500 employees, 160 sites and training locations in over 35 countries. Each year, we train more than 220,000 civil and defence crewmembers, including more than 135,000 pilots, and thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide.
Follow us on Twitter @CAE_Inc and @CAE_Defence
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