Conflicts to Watch in 2021
From Center for Preventive Action
In CFR’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey, U.S. foreign policy experts assess the likelihood and impact of thirty potential conflicts that could emerge or escalate in the coming year.
A crisis stemming from North Korea’s continued development of nuclear
Conducted by CFR’s Center for Preventive Action (CPA) last November, the survey asks foreign policy experts to rank thirty ongoing or potential conflicts based on their likelihood of occurring or escalating in the next year and their potential impact on U.S. national interests.
The Top Conflicts to Watch in 2021
“There are many potential international clashes that the incoming Joe Biden administration must be particularly mindful of, especially given its desire to focus on bringing the novel coronavirus pandemic under control,” said Paul B. Stares, CPA director and General John W. Vessey senior fellow for conflict prevention. “Our survey is a valuable tool to help policymakers focus preventive efforts on those conflicts of greatest risk to the United States.”
The dangers posed by North Korea’s nuclear program moves ahead of the threat of a highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure, which was the top threat in both 2019 and 2020. Survey respondents continue to rank cyberattacks a top-tier risk for 2021.
A severe crisis between China and the United States over Taiwan rises to a top-tier conflict for the first time, reflecting heightened concern over the growing risk of military confrontation between major powers. However, an armed confrontation in the South China Sea involving U.S and Chinese forces is judged to have a lower likelihood this year than in 2020.
In total, nine contingencies are considered top-tier risks:
Likelihood: High; Impact: High
North Korea’s further development of nuclear weapons or ballistic missile testing, precipitating heightened military tensions on the Korean PeninsulaLikelihood: High; Impact: Moderate
Increasing violence and political instability in Afghanistan, resulting in the collapse of the peace processContinued violent reimposition of government control in Syria, leading to further civilian casualties and heightened tensions among external parties to the conflictAccelerating economic collapse and political instability in Venezuela, leading to further violent unrest and increased refugee outflowsLikelihood: Moderate; Impact: High
Intensifying political and economic pressure from China against Taiwan, leading to a severe crisis with the United StatesAn armed confrontation between Iran and the United States or one of its allies over Iran’s involvement in regional conflicts and support of militant proxy groupsA highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructureRussian interference or intimidation against a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), resulting in heightened military tensionsA mass-casualty terrorist attack on the United States or a treaty ally directed or inspired by a foreign terrorist organizationThe Preventive Priorities Survey was made possible by a generous grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the Center for Preventive Action.
The post Conflicts to Watch in 2021 appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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