Group of experts presents report to Secretary General

An independent group, co-chaired by Dr. Thomas de Maizière and Dr. Wess Mitchell, handed over on Wednesday (25 November) a report to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on how to make NATO an even stronger Alliance.

The group’s report is one of a number of inputs into the

Secretary General’s NATO 2030 initiative.

The Secretary General will continue to consult with Allies, parliamentarians, civil society, the private sector and youth. Based on all of these inputs, the Secretary General will put forward his recommendations to NATO Leaders when they meet next year. NATO Foreign Ministers will discuss the report as part of a broader conversation on NATO 2030 at their virtual meeting on 1 December.

The group’s report will be available on the NATO website after it has been presented to Allies.

The group was composed of: Greta Bossenmaier (Canada), Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen (Denmark), Hubert Védrine (France), Thomas de Maizière (Germany), Marta Dassù (Italy), Herna Verhagen (The Netherlands), Anna Fotyga (Poland), Tacan Ildem (Turkey), John Bew (United Kingdom) and Wess Mitchell (United States).

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