IDEX 2021: Paramount Group unveils swarming UAV technology
South Africa’s Paramount Group announced the launching of its new swarming UAV technology based on the firm’s new N-Raven unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on 22 February at the International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2021 in Abu Dhabi.
The N-Raven has a loitering endurance time of approximately two hours and can carry a 10–15 kg payload up to 250 km.
Each UAV can be deployed into a scalable swarm, with the company claiming that these can be launched from land, sea, and airborne platforms, adding to the systems’ long-range strike capabilities.
The company is also offering training modules for the system. These include an optional field simulator that is connected to the system’s control unit to allow for operators to rehearse missions prior to launch to ensure the maximal use of each UAV. Additionally, the system’s recording capabilities can be leveraged to provide post-mission debriefs to operator crews to allow for continuous training and development.
The company is also targeting operators with potential localised manufacturing options, promoting its mobile manufacturing concepts to allow for sovereign control of capabilities.
The post IDEX 2021: Paramount Group unveils swarming UAV technology appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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