LNA’s Haftar gives Turkey ultimatum on Libya: “Leave or we’ll use force”
Commander of the rebel Libyan National Army Khalifa Haftar on Thursday threatened to use force against Turkish armed forces in Libya if Turkey continued interfering in the North African country, Egyptian state-run newspaper Al Ahram reported.
“There will be no security
Turkey supports the internationally recognised Government of National Accord in the capital Tripoli in its conflict with Haftar’s eastern forces. Haftar is backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia, among other countries.
Observers say Turkey’s military contributions were vital in helping the GNA reverse the gains made by Haftar’s 14-month offensive to capture Tripoli.
Haftar’s comments come after Turkey’s parliament decided on Tuesday to extend the deployment of Turkish troops in Libya by 18 months. A United Nations-brokered ceasefire deal signed in October envisions the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries within three months’ time.
The U.N. Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) urged Libya’s parties to observe the ceasefire and respect a political roadmap leading to national elections in December 2021, Al Ahram said.
“While the mission calls on Libyans to consolidate their efforts and take courageous steps towards national reconciliation, and to look forward to a bright future for all Libyans to live in peace and prosperity, it affirms its full commitment to assisting the Libyan people in building their unified state,” UNSMIL said in statement on Thursday.
Source: ahvalnews.com
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