Lawmakers Warn UFOs May Be Threat to US Security After Briefing on Military ‘Sightings’
TEHRAN (FNA)- UFOS could pose a threat to US national security, lawmakers claimed, after they emerged from a highly classified meeting on Wednesday about the upcoming Pentagon report.
They described the briefing as “interesting” and said that there were “legitimate questions” about American safety, yet would not reveal further details, The Sun reported.
The highly anticipated report into UFOs examines whether
A final unclassified version of the report must be presented to Congress by June 25.
Yet members of the House Intelligence Committee received a preview on Wednesday morning.
While they would not reveal whether the results confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life, some of the meeting’s attendees did voice concerns.
Congressman Tim Burchett said, “Clearly, something’s going on that we can’t handle.”
Rep Sean Patrick Maloney told the New York Post, “We take the issue of unexplained aerial phenomena seriously to the extent that we’re dealing with the safety and security of US military personnel or the national security interests of the United States, so we want to know what we’re dealing with.”
“I think it’s important to understand that there are legitimate questions involving the safety and security of our personnel, and in our operations and in our sensitive activities, and we all know that there’s [a] proliferation of technologies out there,” he added.
“We need to understand the space a little bit better,” he said.
Committee chair Adam Schiff said that the briefing was “interesting” and claimed he learned “things that were certainly new to me”.
He teased, “But I think I’m going to leave it at that.”
Rep Andre Carson chaired the classified briefing about unidentified aerial phenomena, which was conducted by US Navy and FBI officials.
The lawmaker said the briefing was a “significant and timely topic” amid growing concerns that unidentified aerial phenomena pose a national security risk to America.
He told the Post, “We’re looking forward to having a public hearing at some point.”
“I mean, there’s some national security concerns that we want to take into consideration,” he added.
Rep. Mike Quigley celebrated that UFOs are now being taken seriously, claiming the “stigma is gone”.
He said, “Now that’s as big a change in policy as I’ve witnessed about this issue in my lifetime.”
“So the fact that they are taking this sort of thing seriously for the first time, I think, is important,” he added.
Skeptics think UAPs may have been sent by foreign powers amid suspicions that Russia is ramping up its testing of hypersonic technology.
But one lawmaker thinks the aircraft must’ve come from space, not from Moscow.
Rep. Burchett told TMZ he’s “having a hard time” thinking that Moscow is involved.
He said, “If they had the kind of advanced technology pilots have reported seeing, Putin would already own America.”
The congressman speculated a religious theory about the potential existence of UFOs.
ET hunters think the eagerly-anticipated report will open a “Pandora’s box” on alien life.
Debbie Ziegelmeyer, of the Mutual UFO Network, told The Telegraph, “It’s very exciting. It means I’m not so crazy any more.
“I think the Pentagon’s opening a Pandora’s box. It’s going to spill, and it’s going to spill big,” Ziegelmeyer said.
US intelligence services officially closed the book on the phenomena in 1969 at the conclusion of Project Blue Book – which stated there was nothing to see regarding UFOs.
But, the Pentagon released three stunning UFO videos filmed by the US Navy over the past three years.
Footage appeared to show a mysterious orb buzzing around a US ship in 2004 off the coast of San Diego.
And, an unusual orb was also caught stalking the USS Omaha in July 2019.
Last month, intelligence agents appeared to rule out that the vast majority of reported sightings were not American military or other government technology, according to The New York Times.
But, they appeared to leave open the hypothesis that technology might have been sent by Russia or China to harass US vessels.
Luis Elizondo, who led the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), previously told The Sun that the military “doesn’t know” who is behind UFOs.
Lawmakers were briefed as Joe Biden met with Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ahead of the historic talks, Nick Pope, a former official at the Ministry of Defence, said UFOs would be on the agenda if Biden had suspicions that the technology is coming from Moscow.
He told The Sun, “If there is a suspicion that any of this technology is Russian, Biden will maybe say that we have some indications of this and maybe ask him to dial back the provocation.”
“Whatever, or whoever, is doing this – it is provocation. These things are in some instances apparently swarming around these navy ships,” he said.
Pope said there is room for Washington and Moscow to cooperate on the issue.
Tensions between Washington and Moscow are “high” after Russia was accused of meddling in the 2020 presidential election.
Putin branded the allegations “farcical” as he demanded proof.
The Russian president said, “We have been accused of all kinds of things. Election interference, cyber attacks, and so on and so forth.
“And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations,” he said.
Washington has reiterated that the purpose of the summit is to “make relations predictable”.
A joint press conference was not held amid memories of Donald Trump’s infamous summit with Putin in Helsinki in July 2018.
Trump sparked an outcry as he appeared to accept the word of Putin above the conclusions of US intelligence experts that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 presidential election campaign.
The post Lawmakers Warn UFOs May Be Threat to US Security After Briefing on Military ‘Sightings’ appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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