Leonardo launches Spider Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
Leonardo unveil a new Electronic Warfare (EW) communications intelligence (COMINT) product, called ‘Spider’ for the eight Radio Frequency (RF) antennas contained within the system. Spider is able to intercept and analyse enemy communications in real
The Spider antenna array weighs less than 20kg fitting inside a 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5m pod, allowing it to be installed on a range of platforms including surveillance aircraft such as the King Air 350, Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE) remotely-piloted air systems and larger aircraft such as Leonardo’s ATR-72MP. Spider can be combined with Leonardo’s SAGE Electronic Surveillance Measures/electronic intelligence (ESM/ELINT) system to provide a full signals intelligence (SIGINT) capability through a single mission interface. COMINT and ELINT data will be provided to the crew through a single graphical user interface which allows mission commander overview or dedicated COMINT and ELINT analysis.
Spider uses advanced direction finding techniques to locate targets, provide situational awareness, warn of incoming threats and cue supplementary sensors and weapons system Spider uses advanced direction finding techniques to locate targets, provide situational awareness, warn of incoming threats and cue supplementary sensors and weapons systems. A small footprint allows it to be packaged alongside other sensor systems to satisfy a diverse range of operational requirements, while the mission software is flexible and configurable. As new and complex target communications systems appear, the system can be readily updated to monitor the latest enemy Electronic Order of Battle.
▪ Highly accurate Direction Finding and geo-location enabling accurate sensor cueing at extended range from a single platform.
▪ Operator burden is reduced through automatic detection and Direction Finding of Fixed Frequency and Frequency Hopping emissions.
▪ A single, integrated antenna assembly eases aircraft installation.
▪ Automated processing of relevant target solutions enables rapid and effective development of tactical intelligence product.
▪ Ease of export around the world – non-ITAR Sophisticated Super Resolution Direction Finding algorithms accurately prosecute co-channel targets
in congested communications environments.
▪ World leading instantaneous digitised bandwidth, incorporating multi-channel parallel processing resources.
▪ Adaptive Digital Beam-Forming enhances weak target signals even in the presence of strong interfering signals.
▪ Fully integrated Mission Information System including multi-layer electronic mapping and smart, interactive database.
▪ Dynamic sensor reconfiguration whilst airborne supports both tactical Indications & Warnings and persistent, strategic COMINT tasking.
Source: militaryleak.com
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![Leonardo,Spider Communications Intelligence COMINT](https://images32.inewsgr.com/3836/38364858/Leonardo-launches-Spider-Communications-Intelligence-COMINT-160.jpg)
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