Milrem Robotics presents the robotic combat vehicle candidate for US Army’s RCV-M program [vid]
The leading robotics and autonomous systems developer in Europe, Milrem Robotics will present their Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle designed to meet the US Army’s RCV-M program at this year’s event.
“The Type-X is designed to be upgradable to meet the needs and requirements of various armed forces. That is one of its most unique features,” explained Sverker Svärdby, Head
The Type-X provides equal or overmatching firepower and tactical usage to a unit equipped with Infantry Fighting vehicles and gives mechanized units the means to breach enemy defensive positions with minimal risk to own troops. “Replacing a lost RCV is purely a logistical nuance,” said Svärdby.
The Type-X can be fitted with a cannon up to 50 mm, anti-tank missiles, and a tethered drone for continuous situational awareness.
The vehicle is equipped with intelligent functions such as follow-me, waypoint navigation, and obstacle detection with Artificial Intelligence being part of the algorithms. With the Type-X, Milrem Robotics also introduces a feature called Indirect Drive that allows remote-controlled operations at higher speeds.
The Type-X has been designed with intelligent predictive maintenance combined with a Health and Usage Monitoring System and Line Replacement Unit principle to ensure a low Through Lifecycle Cost and logistic footprint. Also, its hybrid powertrain and rubber tracks will reduce lifecycle costs significantly.
To develop the Type-X RCV Milrem Robotics utilized its knowledge gained from developing its flagship product the THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle, intended to support dismounted troops, that has already been acquired by eleven countries, seven of which are members of NATO.
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