NATO – Ukraine Commission addresses security situation in and around Ukraine
The NATO-Ukraine Commission met at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday (13 April 2021) to address the security situation in and around Ukraine.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro
Chairing the meeting, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Russia to end its military build-up, stop its provocations and de-escalate the situation. The Secretary General stressed that NATO Allies do not and will not recognize Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, and condemn its military build-up on the peninsula. NATO continues to call on Russia to abide by the Minsk Agreements, end its support for the militants in eastern Ukraine, and withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory. Allies also continue to call on Russia to engage constructively at the OSCE on its military activities. They commended Ukraine for the restraint shown in the face of Russia’s provocations.
NATO continues to provide political and practical support to Ukraine. “We have supported wide-ranging reforms that are making Ukraine more resilient and help advance its Euro-Atlantic aspirations,” the Secretary General said. “We will further enhance our cooperation with Ukraine and Georgia on Black Sea security, and we are working to make full use of Ukraine’s status as an Enhanced Opportunity Partner,” he added.
NATO Allies welcomed Ukraine’s progress in delivering key reforms, and encouraged Ukraine to build on this progress. The Secretary General stressed that these reforms will help bring Ukraine closer to NATO and that Allies stand by the decisions taken at the Bucharest Summit and at subsequent Summits.
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