NATO Airlift Management Program Expands C-17 Training Capability with Boeing Services Contract
Boeing [NYSA: BA] will provide aircrew training support for the Strategic Airlift Capability’s
“The NATO Airlift Management Programme provides Strategic Airlift Capability nations with full life cycle management for aircraft and facilities, embodying of collective ownership and Smart Defence,” said Gregory Clark, programme manager, NATO Airlift Management Programme. “The aircrew training partnership with Boeing will ensure ongoing readiness of C-17 aircrews to our member Nations.”
Through partnership with Boeing, NATO and the Strategic Airlift Capability can rely on nearly 30 years of experience providing quality training systems and support for the global C-17 fleet. This is the first C-17 training device for Pápa Air Base. It will allow for agile aircrew and engine maintenance training and reduce the time and costs associated with travel, while ensuring aircrew readiness.
“We are excited to continue our partnership with NATO and expand its C-17 aircrew training capability,” said Mark Hayes, Pápa, Hungary base manager for Boeing Global Services. “This regional training location will enable the Strategic Airlift Capability to add velocity to aircrew training and proficiency, maintain training readiness, and provide the flexibility to deliver European airlift for decades to come.”
Boeing’s C-17 WST includes an air vehicle station and loadmaster station, both with instructor operator stations; a core integrated processor task trainer; and computer-based training and courseware. Two years of initial spares to support the training device are also included.
This C-17 training device includes innovative technology with upgrades to the visual system and glass mirror display system expanding the total field of view. Boeing is also incorporating technology enhancements to address obsolescence and concurrency with latest aircraft block configuration. NATO C-17 training at Pápa Air Base is expected to begin in 2022.
About NSPA
The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) brings together, in a single organization, acquisition, logistic, medical and infrastructural capabilities including the related procurement function. As NATO’s primary enabler, the Agency’s mission is to provide effective and cost efficient multinational solutions to the Alliance, its thirty Nations and Partners. The NATO Airlift Management Programme (NAMP) Office located in Pápa (Hungary) is an integral part of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). It manages the full life cycle management of the C-17 aircraft stationed at Pápa Airbase, including acquisition and sustainment on behalf of the member Nations of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC). NSPA is headquartered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with main operational centres in France, Hungary and Italy. The Agency employs around 1,500 staff and overseeing over 2,500 contractors in NATO’s missions across the world. More info:
About Boeing
Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.
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