NATO Secretary-General calls for U.S. election outcome to be respected
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday called the violent protests in Washington “shocking scenes” and said the outcome of the “democratic” U.S. election must be respected.
Police in the U.S. Capitol responded with drawn guns and tear gas as hundreds of protesters stormed in and sought to force
Lawmakers have been evacuated out of the Capitol building. Numerous news outlets have reported that one woman has been shot on Capitol grounds.
Vice President Pence was ushered out of the building shortly before the mob breached the Capitol.
He later tweeted, “The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building.”
“Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” he said in another tweet.
Trump’s NATO ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison had previously stated that the transition to a Biden administration would be “smooth” after the former vice president won the presidential election.
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