NATO Secretary General discusses transatlantic relations and the NATO 2030 initiative in “Talks at GS”
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg highlighted the importance of the strong transatlantic bond between North America and Europe in an online discussion series “Talks at GS” with John Waldron, President and Chief Operating Officer of The Goldman Sachs
The Secretary General noted that the ongoing pandemic has shown NATO’s ability to adapt and maintain operational readiness. Adaptability and change are an integral part of the NATO 2030 initiative to strengthen the Alliance for the future. ”The main idea with NATO 2030 is to have a forward-looking, ambitious agenda for this Alliance that makes sure that we continue to adapt,” said the Secretary General.
During the discussion, Mr. Stoltenberg also described Russia’s use of diverse tools such as cyber-attacks and disinformation on social media to interfere with Allied democracies and political processes. He highlighted the importance of free and independent media in providing the facts and countering disinformation.
The Secretary General also spoke of NATO’s role in tackling the security implications of climate change. Calling climate change “a crisis multiplier”, he highlighted the implications that it can have on resource availability, migration, and ultimately, the Alliance’s security. The Secretary General noted that NATO can play its part in addressing climate change by assessing the link between climate change and security, adapting operations and missions, and reducing carbon emission.
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