NATO Secretary General highlights the Atlantic Alliance’s values and contributions to global peace and security
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke virtually at the 3rd German Ecumenical Church Days.
“Our values are the compass that guides us and thanks to our unity and ability to adapt, NATO has kept the peace for more than 70 years. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO welcomed former adversaries from Central“This last year has shown us that we live in a more unpredictable world. So as our world becomes more insecure, we must invest more in our security; because security is the foundation of our freedom and freedom does not come for free. In the pursuit of peace, there are no easy answers, only hard choices; so we must always act responsibly, in respect of international rules and norms, and by putting diplomacy first,” the Secretary General remarked.
“Through our work on NATO 2030, Germany continues to show its leadership, as we set an ambitious agenda for the future,” he added. “NATO 2030 is an important opportunity to reaffirm who we are and what we believe in, by recommitting to our values, strengthening our democracies and coming together to contribute to something greater than ourselves, preserving peace and preventing conflict,” he emphasized.
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![NATO Secretary General,Atlantic Alliance’s](
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