NATO Secretary General previews NATO Summit in keynote speech
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previewed the 14 June NATO Summit in an online keynote address on Friday (4 June 2021), co-hosted by NATO, the German Council on Foreign Relations, and the Brookings Institution.
Describing a world of growing global competition, he explained that ”through NATO
“To do all of this we need to invest more,” said Mr Stoltenberg, welcoming seven years of consecutive defence spending increases by European Allies and Canada. He added: “we should not only invest more, we should also invest better. That is why we should increase NATO’s common-funded budget.” He explained that this would “help fund more joint training and exercises, stronger cyber defences, cutting-edge capabilities, and more capacity-building for our partners,” calling joint investment a “force multiplier” and a “strong message of unity and resolve”.
The Secretary General noted that new “polling confirms that over 80 percent of our citizens consider the relationship between North America and Europe important in dealing with security challenges,” adding: “this makes an ambitious NATO 2030 agenda even more relevant.”
The post NATO Secretary General previews NATO Summit in keynote speech appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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