NATO Secretary General speaks with the leaders of the Bucharest 9 Initiative ahead of NATO Summit
On Monday, 10 May 2021, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg participated in a meeting with Heads of State and Government of the Bucharest 9 Initiative, which includes Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
“The NATO Summit next month offers us a unique opportunity to start a new chapter in transatlantic relations to reinforce the unity between Europe and North America and to prepare our Alliance for the challenges of today and tomorrow,” Secretary General Stoltenberg said. “In a more unpredictable and competitive world, we must do more together and demonstrate transatlantic solidarity not just in words, but in deeds. So at the Summit, we will have an ambitious and forward-looking agenda; strengthening our commitment to defend each other, broadening our approach to security, and taking a more global approach, to safeguard the rules-based international order. This meeting today is an important opportunity to take this agenda forward.”
The Bucharest 9 Initiative was launched by Poland and Romania in 2014 by the Presidents of the 9 countries. Its aim is to consolidate views on issues of interest in the Alliance for the participating nations, and to support joint security projects.
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![NATO Secretary General, Bucharest 9 Initiative,NATO Summit](
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