NATO Uses Undivided Map of Morocco on Official Website
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has used on its official website an integral map of Morocco that includes the Western Sahara region.
In an introductory press release about its Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP), NATO marked the integral Moroccan territory in a map
NATO published the press release on December 14, four days after US President Donald Trump announced his country’s recognition of Morocco’s territorial integrity.
However, it is unclear when exactly the military alliance adopted the integral map and whether this is linked to the US decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara.
NATO’s use of an integral map of Morocco instead of the UN’s official map, which displays the Western Sahara region as a disputed territory, represents yet another diplomatic achievement for Morocco.
The military alliance is the largest in the world and counts 30 member states from Europe and North America, as well as several partner states from around the world.
NATO published Morocco’s undivided map on its official website only one day after US Ambassador to Morocco David Fischer unveiled his country’s new official map of Morocco.
The map includes the Moroccan southern provinces as an integral part of Morocco. It confirmed the US support for Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara and for the Moroccan Autonomy Plan as the only solution to the dispute over the region.
The post NATO Uses Undivided Map of Morocco on Official Website appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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