NATO and Afghan security forces provide relief to flood victims in Afghanistan
NATO and the Afghan security forces recently provided critical assistance to the victims of floods in the eastern province of Parwan. This is part of their efforts to work together for the security of all Afghans.
Flash floods this week in eastern Afghanistan devastated the town of Charikar, killing over 100 people
Afghan National Security and Defense Forces and the NATO Resolute Support Mission are providing aid and assistance to help families recover. Afghan forces are leading recovery efforts, search and rescue and clearing debris. NATO has so far donated thousands of Halal meals, bottles of water and personal hygiene kits and blankets which were flown in on Coalition aircraft to help victims.
General Miller visited the province with acting Minister of Defense Asadullah Khalid and Independent Directorate of Local Governance Director Samim Katawazia to assess the damage and reassure local leaders they would receive the support they need during the crisis.
“Let me also offer my thanks to the people of Parwan for your leadership and the security forces that are stepping forward to try to alleviate the suffering of the people,” he added. “They are your sons and daughters. I would ask all of you to be very vocal about your support. You have every right to be proud of them.” General Miller recognized the sacrifices Afghan forces bear as they work to secure peace in the country despite ongoing high levels of Taliban violence. “I always tell the Taliban, I tell the world, that the violence needs to come down,” he said. “That is very important for the people of Afghanistan.”
The Resolute Support commander reiterated NATO continues to stand behind and support the Afghan people, noting his long-standing relationships with Khalid and Katawazia as a long-standing example of the tight relationships that have been built over the last two decades. “We have been through some good times and we have been through some hard times, but we always stay together. And I think that is important. Again thank you for your leadership,” General Miller said.
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