New Greek armoured vehicle to be called “Hoplite”
The EODH company, based in Lakkoma town in Halkidiki, has been creating since 2003 the active protection of Armored Vehicles as well as with the design of integrated systems, and is now creating a new vehicle called the Hoplite. To meet national and international needs for multi
The design team of EODH created a vehicle of high value, which stands out for a multitude of innovations and at the same time incorporates a top level of protection for its class.
The main aim of the new design is the creation of a basic platform with a maximum gross weight of 12 tons with a payload of 2 tons, easily adaptable to different uses, having high reliability and operational readiness.
All this at a reasonable cost and without compromising on comfort, safety and ergonomics for the crew and the transport team.
General characteristics:The vehicle is based on a heavy-duty, self-propelled barge that was specially designed for explosion resistance, extensively prepared for tough military use.At the top of this rigid vehicle rests a fully protected cabin (shipping capsule), optimized for maximum interior space and flexibility in shipping.The cab is removable, connects to the main vehicle with quick connectors and can be replaced in minimum time.In addition, the cab can be hydraulically raised to the side to provide easy access to the power and transmission unit.The vehicle is designed for smooth operation in extreme environments (-23 ° C to +49 ° C).It offers many possibilities of different configurations based on variations of the basic cabin design, but maintaining a common framework.The standard cabin has 5 doors and a flat roof.Variations with 2, 3 and 4 doors on flat or high ceilings are available.At the rear the cab can accept loads or various types of weapons systems, sensors and standard cages.The basic version is designed to carry a crew of 8 people.Armour:The vehicle can be equipped with a Remote Control Armature (RCWS) that can accommodate a heavy 12.2mm M2 machine gun. The total weight of the system is 250kg, it has stabilization in 2 axes, night shooting range and ammunition stock of 500 projectiles. Alternatively, a 40mm automatic grenade launcher or a 7.62mm / 5.56mm machine gun can be installed in place of the machine gun. In addition, it has 2 quadruple 76mm smoke bombers on the roof.
EODH has completed the design and development phase and proceeded to build a prototype for the necessary testing and certification based on European and NATO standards. The next step is the construction of a second prototype, which will have the final configuration which will have been indicated and agreed in collaboration with the user and will incorporate to a maximum extent selected and certified Greek-made subsystems. It will be followed by a series of tests and certifications on the part of the user, the restoration of any observations and then it will be ready for serial production.
Through such a program of great Greek added value, the coverage of the National Needs, the rebirth of the National Defense Industry and finally the strengthening of the National Economy and the employment of specialized highly trained personnel can be achieved. The design can be adapted to the specific requirements and needs of the user, while ensuring the excellent training of the staff, the uninterrupted technical support of the material and the continuous adequacy of spare parts.
The age of the material available in the Armed Forces and especially in the Army (in some categories), is a critical factor that affects availability and reliability. Its replacement is imperative and requires a huge expense. Only with National Programs that can provide reliable solutions with excellent cost/performance ratio and without bleeding of the National Economy can be achieved.
The vehicle is named hoplite. The hoplite in antiquity was a soldier of the infantry with heavy weapons that fought in the phalanx formation. The hoplite was the pre-eminent warrior of classical Greece and was heavily armed with a spear and a large shield.
By Paul Antonopoulos
The post New Greek armoured vehicle to be called “Hoplite” appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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