PLAGF’s Xinjiang Military Command operating new 122 mm, 4×4 SPH
China continues to modernise the equipment and enhance the combat capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Force’s (PLAGF’s) Xinjiang Military Command, with state-owned media revealing on 10 May that the command has recently been equipped with new 122 mm, 4×4 self-propelled howitzers (SPHs).
State broadcaster China
Nine examples of the SPH, which is known to also be in service with the PLAGF’s Tibet Military Command, were shown firing what appeared to be different types of munition. CCTV reported that aim of the exercise was to test the capabilities of the combined arms brigade while operating at such high altitudes.
As Janes reported, the lightweight SPH is similar in appearance to the SH4 122 mm SPH displayed by the China South Division of the China North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco) at the Airshow China 2016 defence exhibition in Zhuhai. The gun system on the PCL-161 is also very similar to that on the in-service PCL-171 SPH, although the latter uses a 6×6 platform based on a modified Dongfeng Mengshi 6×6 CTL181A.
The post PLAGF’s Xinjiang Military Command operating new 122 mm, 4×4 SPH appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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