Poland announces US troops deployment on eastern border
Washington will deploy at least 1,000 soldiers in Poland and oversee forces on NATO’s eastern flank, Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said Friday after the US announced a massive troop pullout from Germany.
US Defence Secretary Mark Esper said on Wednesday the Pentagon will be sending home
“At least 1,000 new soldiers will be deployed in our country,” Blaszczak told the Jedynka public radio.
“We will have an American command in Poland. This command will manage the troops deployed along NATO’s eastern flank,” he said.
“It will be the most important centre for ground forces in our region,” he said, adding that Warsaw and Washington had sealed a deal for military cooperation.
“We will soon sign the final pact with the Americans.”
The American pullout will cut the presence of US military personnel in Germany to around 24,000.
Esper has stressed that the action is part of his broader plan to reposition US military forces globally to better address the key threats from Russia and China.
Source: defencetalk.com
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