Preserving Veterans’ digital legacy: A free offer from GoodTrust
Do you know what will happen to your digital “stuff” when you die?
Perhaps no one understands the importance of technology connecting people more than the men and women who serve in the military across the country and around the world. Technology has extended a once-unimaginable lifeline across any distance around
The GoodTrust digital legacy platform gives you control over what happens to your digital assets and reputation when you pass away. Think of it like a digital safety deposit box for your digital accounts and information.
Your Premium GoodTrust Plan will include:
Save websites and online accountsCreate and store your social media willStore important documentsCreate and store (free) last will and testamentCreate and store (free) medical and funeral directivesShare all accounts and documents now or when you pass awayThe importance of a digital legacyAt GoodTrust, we offer anyone the opportunity to delete, preserve or transfer the contents of their digital life. And, yes, most of us now have a digital life – the average person spends over six hours per day online.
Staying connected with family and friends via social media, sending and receiving emails, searching for information, storing photos and documents, shopping and paying bills, managing banking and insurance, and connecting with healthcare is mostly done online today.
You may want to keep all of your digital life intact. Or you might prefer to erase some or all of your digital life. Regardless of your decision, which is personal to you, we are here to help.
Eligibility: All VeteransGoodTrust is offering all Veterans the Premium GoodTrust Plan for FREE for the next 10 years (value $500) starting on 11/11/2020.
Sign up now on – be sure to check the “Veteran” box to claim the offer. It only takes 2-3 minutes. Offer expires on 12/31/2020.
In addition, all Veteran families will receive a 50% discount on GoodTrust service fee when helping to manage the digital accounts of a Veteran that passed away. Using promotion code: “GoodTrustVeteran”.
Once you signed-up on, you’ll go through the following simple steps:
Add your important digital media accounts and documents – your social media, email, online documents, photos, financial accounts, life insurance, will etc. For each account or document, you add instructions for what you want to happen if you pass away.Assign “deputies,” those friends, family or people you trust to manage your accounts and take action on your behalf. These folks are granted selective access to your accounts and document along with the instructions you left for them.If you do not already have important documents like Last Will and Testament, Medical Directive and Funeral Directive, you can easily create them and store them on GoodTrust at no cost.GoodTrust keeps your data secure and uses two-factor authentication security.
The post Preserving Veterans’ digital legacy: A free offer from GoodTrust appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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