Quick Start Guide for Modernized Veteran Appeals Decision Review now available

13:52 15/7/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

The VA Appeals Modernization Decision Review Quick Start Guide (QSG) provides clear and concise information for the next steps a Veteran can take when they disagree with the decision VA made on their disability compensation claim. Appeals Modernization offers Veterans more choice, clarity and control over the decision review process and helps them seek faster resolution of their disagreement.


VA implemented The Veterans Appeals Improvement

and Modernization Act of 2017 on February 19, 2019. As a result, Appeals Modernization transformed VA’s complex “legacy” appeals process.

Appeals Modernization benefits Veterans who disagree with the decision VA made on their compensation claims. Since February 19, 2019, Veterans have had a choice of three lanes for a review of the original VA decision. Previously, when a Veteran disagreed with a VA claim decision, the Veteran had to “appeal” the decision. That “legacy” appeals process was complex, inefficient, and often led to a lengthy wait for a second decision.

The new Quick Start Guide helps Veterans understand the new review lanes: supplemental claim, higher-level review, or direct appeal to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.

The VA Appeals Modernization Decision Review guide covers:

Understanding the three lanes of reviewHow to start the new review processHow to get additional help with the review processesChecking the status of a claim or appealContact information, how to get forms, and other potential questions

The guide helps Veterans understand the options and how to pursue the decision review lane that best suits their needs.

“We hope that the availability of this Quick Start Guide helps Veterans understand how to get started with the modernized process,” said Chairman of the Board of Veterans’ Appeals Cheryl Mason. “Clear information about the options available to submit a disagreement with a VA decision will enable our Nation’s Veterans to receive the benefits they deserve.”

More Information

For more information about VA’s implementation of the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act or to access the applicable forms, go to: www.benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp and follow the instructions for submission.

Additional Quick Start Guides

Veterans can find additional VA Quick Start Guides on a variety of topics. Those include: VA Mental Health Services, VA Burial Services, community and urgent care; applying for disability compensation, education benefits, and caregiver and survivor benefits. Those guides can be downloaded here.

Source: blogs.va.gov

The post Quick Start Guide for Modernized Veteran Appeals Decision Review now available appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.

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Quick Start Guide,Modernized Veteran Appeals Decision Review