Russian Foreign Ministry: “Greater Albania” policy threatens the Balkans
By Paul Antonopoulos
The Russian Foreign Ministry sent strong messages to Albania and Kosovo against the promotion of a “Greater Albania.”
“There is an ambiguous impression, which says that despite the dubious and risky nature of their ‘approach,’ the governments of Tirana
A statement from Russia’s Foreign Ministry stated that “such actions pose a real threat to peace and stability in the Balkans.”
At the same time, Moscow stresses that the position on the need to “eliminate the border” between Albania and Kosovo is a matter of concern.
“We would like to remind you that Kosovo [and this is confirmed by UNSCR 1244] is part of the Republic of Serbia and the arbitrary invocation of the principle of territorial integrity in relation to a sovereign state can only be assessed as brutal interference in his internal affairs,” the statement said.
The same statement said he hoped there would be a “clear response” from the international community and especially from the European Union to which the UN General Assembly has entrusted the ombudsman’s mission to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.
Finally, it is emphasized that such intentions undermine the Kosovo settlement process, nullify the efforts made and seek to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.
The post Russian Foreign Ministry: “Greater Albania” policy threatens the Balkans appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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