Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s end of the year video message to NATO troops
2020 has been challenging for everyone.
The Coronavirus has affected us all. Our families. Our friends.
It has affected the way we live.
The way we work.
And even the way we celebrate our holidays.
In this difficult year, you – our men and women in uniform – have once again stepped up to the
Your contributions of transport, military field hospitals and medical support, have been essential to help fight the virus.
And to save lives.
In addition to this support to the civilian efforts in combatting the pandemic,
you have continued to provide security for NATO’s nearly one billion people.
With strong deterrence and defence.
On land, at sea, in the air and in cyberspace.
Keeping us all safe.
So I want to thank all of you, wherever you are.
In Afghanistan, Kosovo, Iraq.
In one of our maritime operations,
Or air policing missions.
As part of NATO’s forward presence in the East of the Alliance,
the NATO Command Structure
or here at the NATO Headquarters.
Your service means so much to me.
And to the people and countries you serve.
I am forever grateful for the sacrifices you and your families make.
To keep us safe at home.
And strong as an Alliance.
Together, we are preparing NATO for the future.
To ensure we can continue to defend all Allies against any threat.
For this, we need to keep NATO strong.
It starts with strong military forces.
It starts with you.
I wish you and your families all the best for the holiday season.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
The post Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s end of the year video message to NATO troops appeared first on ARMYNOW.NET.
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