The Tallinn-based NATO cyber defence centre to lead research on securing 5G networks for military mobility
The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, also known as the CCDCOE, based in Tallinn, Estonia, will lead a research project exploring the security of 5G networks in relation to military
The project is funded by the US Department of Defense and the Estonian foreign ministry and carried out by the international team of researchers at the CCDCOE.
The research will map the European commercial 5G network landscape with the aim of providing recommendations for NATO on the most secure methods to operate in those networks during peacetime deployments and military operations. The first stage of the one-year project is set to start this January.
Getting prepared by 2025“The expected roll out of 5G networks in Europe is planned by 2025; latest by that time, the allies and partners need to be prepared to deal with possible cyber threats involved,” Colonel Jaak Tarien, the director of the NATO CCDCOE, said in a statement.
“We at the CCDCOE are exceedingly proud and confident in taking on this crucial task with our international team of 29 nations. Together our team can enhance the understanding of the implications of 5G development from tech, legal, strategic and operational standpoint.”
“The research will provide NATO and its member nations the necessary understanding and knowledge to upgrade their risk assessments. NATO must be aware of potential security loopholes and cyber risks before deployment of troops takes place,” Piret Pernik, the CCDCOE strategy researcher, added.
The HQ of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn. Photo by CCDCOE.The CCDCOE is a NATO-affiliated cyber defence hub focusing on research, training and exercises. It represents a community of 29 nations with expertise in the areas of technology, law, strategy and military operations.
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