The only winner of the Iran- USA tensions may be ISIS
It’s a common sense that the murder of the Iranian official Mr. Soleimani shocked the international community and especially the Middle East. At the same time, it raised fears that this turmoil will be exploited by ISIS in order to regain its power.
In this week, the Iraqi Army started again its offensive against the ISIS strongholds with the support of the US forces stationed in Iraqi soil. Also, this murder caused anger among Iranians and the willing for revenge. In addition, the Iraqi Shiites want to respond and the frictions with the Sunnis will be exacerbated. The dichotomy between Shiites- Sunnis in Iraq is the perfect chance for radical Islamists to take action.
In conclusion, ISIS seems to be the winner as it can use the tense situation so as to strike back. The rise of its power and influence is easier under those circumstances and the dangers for the rest of the world are obvious. Iraq is the appropriate place due to its divided society and the ongoing war.
The post The only winner of the Iran- USA tensions may be ISIS appeared first on ArmyNow.Net.
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