This week in Congress: Syria questions abound

Lawmakers this week will have a series of hearings and briefings on the ongoing situation in Syria and its long-term impact on U.S. national security.

White House and Turkish government

officials last week announced a temporary ceasefire in regards to fighting among Syrian, Kurdish and Turkish forces in areas of northern Syria recently vacated by U.S. troops. The moves have drawn bipartisan criticism of President Donald Trump, who has defended the move as ensuring that American troops are caught in a regional conflict.

Already the House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations committees have announced plans for hearings on the issue, with other committee’s contemplating additional events to come.

Last week members of the congressional armed services committees received classified briefings on the latest developments in the region from U.S. military leaders, but those lawmakers have also promised additional investigation into the issue in coming days.

All that comes amid ongoing budget negotiations in both chambers and House Democrats impeachment investigation into Trump’s handling of military aid to Ukraine.

Turkish-backed Syrian opposition fighters on an armoured personnel carrier drive to cross the border into Syriaon Oct. 18, 2019. (Emrah Gurel/AP)

Tuesday, Oct. 22

House Foreign Affairs — 10 a.m. — 2172 Rayburn
Human rights
State Department officials will testify on human rights abuses in South Asia.

House Veterans’ Affairs — 10:30 a.m. — H210 Visitors Center
Pending legislation
The subcommittee on disability assistance will consider nine pending bills.

House Homeland Security — 2 p.m. — 310 Cannon
Cyber threats
Federal officials will testify on emerging cyber threats and U.S. officials’ response.

Senate Foreign Relations — 2:30 p.m. — 419 Dirksen
Turkey and Syria
State Department officials will testify on the impact of Turkish military activities in Syria on regional stability.

Wednesday, Oct. 23

House Veterans’ Affairs — 10 a.m. — H210 Visitors Center
Guard and reserve benefits
Outside experts will testify before the committee on issues with benefits parity for Guard and reserve veterans.

House Foreign Affairs — 10 a.m. — 2172 Rayburn
Turkey and Syria
State Department officials will testify on the impact of Turkish military activities in Syria on regional stability.

House Foreign Affairs — 2 p.m. — 2172 Rayburn
Latin America policy
State Department officials will testify on U.S. Policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean.

Thursday, Oct. 24

Senate Armed Services — 9:30 a.m. — G-50 Dirksen
The committee will consider the nomination of Vice Adm. Charles Richard to be head of U.S. Strategic Command.


The post This week in Congress: Syria questions abound appeared first on ArmyNow.Net.

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