Turkey issues new Navtex for naval exercise in waters north of Cyprus
Greek media are reporting that Turkey on Friday issued yet another navigational telex (Navtex) for the Mediterranean, this time for the waters north of Cyprus.
Turkey stated that the Navtex was needed as it was intending to undertake naval exercises which will involve live fire.
The Navtex, numbered 1134/20, which speaks of a “gunnery exercise” in the area, was issued by Turkey’s Naval Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography.
Earlier on Friday, Greece’s State minister Giorgios Gerapetritis had stated “Nobody will enter Greece’s territorial waters. The Greek Armed Forces are on full alert and ready to deal with any such crisis and Greece’s political leadership will make no concessions regarding its sovereignty.”
In his remarks, made during an interview with Parapolitika radio, Gerapetritis stated that the message that had come out of the MED7 meeting on Thursday in Corsica, “which French President Emmanuel Macron had summarized very well, is that we want the Mediterranean to be a sea of peace (Pax Mediterranea) but, unfortunately, the reality shows that the only one not wanting this peaceful co-existence of the peoples is Turkey.”
Source: greekreporter.com
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