US Army’s Response Force in Europe tests their readiness during exercise “Saber Junction 20”
Exercise Saber Junction 20 brings together six NATO Allies and three partners in Germany to test the readiness of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, the US Army’s response force in Europe, from 3 to 27 August 2020. Footage includes shots of Romanian and Georgian troops defending positions
The exercise sees the 173rd Airborne Brigade quickly mass troops via airborne infiltration and attack objectives. Participating nations include Albania, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine and the United States. To keep participants safe, the US Army conducts regular COVID-19 tests throughout the exercise area.
Saber Junction 20 is a 7th Army Training Command-conducted, U.S. Army Europe-directed annual exercise designed to assess the readiness of the U.S. Armys 173rd Airborne Brigade to execute unified land operations in a joint, combined environment and to promote interoperability with participating ally and partner nations.
This annual exercise takes place at the Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels training areas, in Germany, until 27 Aug. Saber Junction 20 is designed to execute land operations in a joint and combined environment and to promote/sustain interoperability amongst participating NATO Allies and partner nations. A range of training scenarios highlight the complexities of a modern battlefield and promote large-scale collective training.
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