US and Poland reach political agreement on enhanced defence cooperation
The US and Poland have completed negotiations and agreed on an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).
The new agreement is expected to provide the necessary framework to deepen military cooperation between the two countries. The EDCA will also help the US and Poland jointly address regional security issues and strengthen Nato connections.
According to Poland’s Ministry of National Defence,
US Air Force Brigadier General Jessica Meyeraan said: “A deeper, more collaborative US-Poland security partnership is critical in meeting current security threats and challenges.
“Each day our US service members in Poland stand united with our allies, determined to defend Nato territory and deter aggression from any adversary.”
Since 2018, the two administrations have been engaged in several rounds of discussions to finalise the defence agreement.
As agreed, the US will increase its troop deployment in Poland by nearly 1,000 personnel to at least 5,500.
The planned increase in military presence will be across several locations. The city of Poznań was designated as the location of the Forward Division Command, while Drawsko Pomorskie has been selected as the headquarters of the Combat Training Center.
Powidz will serve as the headquarters of the Combat Aviation Brigade, while Żagań / Świętoszów was selected for the Armored Brigade Combat Team.
The US Air Force is expected to use Wrocław-Strachowice as a loading and unloading airbase.
Notably, the US and Poland agreed on the EDCA as the US Armed Forces has decided to withdraw 12,000 personnel from Germany.
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