US begins troops withdrawal from Afghanistan
The White House has confirmed that the US military has begun its withdrawal from Afghanistan and proactively deployed additional troops and military equipment to protect forces in the region, according to US media report on Friday.
“Potential adversaries should know that if they attack us in our withdrawal,
“While these actions will initially result in increased forces levels, we remain committed to having all US military personnel out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021,” she said, adding that the Biden administration is intent on a “safe and responsible” exit from the war-torn country.
The Pentagon has temporarily provided B-52H Stratofortress aircraft to US Central Command, the combatant command that oversees American operations in the Middle East. A US Navy carrier strike group is also in the region to provide support.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby has previously said that Defense Department leadership will continue to assess the need for additional military capabilities as the departure of US and coalition forces proceeds.
Earlier this month, Biden announced a full withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, ending America’s longest war.
The removal of approximately 3,000 US service members coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which spurred America’s entry into lengthy wars in the Middle East and Central Asia.
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